NRD News
Spotlight Programs
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NRD News 〰️ Spotlight Programs 〰️ About the Upper Loup 〰️ Our Services 〰️
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb
Hand plants will still be available as long as supplies last! Please get your orders in soon.
Spring is just around the corner and now is the time to get your tree plans in order. If you would like assistance in planning a shelterbelt or cost share programs that are available, please contact Brent McIntosh @ (308)645-2250. Planning assistance is free of charge.
Up Coming Educational Opportunities
“While natural disasters capture headlines and national attention short-term, the work of recovery and rebuilding is long-term.”
2025 Tire Amnesty Grant Received
The North Central RC&D in partnership with the Middle Niobrara NRD has secured funding for a tire amnesty event to be held on April 30th and May 1st in Valentine, Nebraska. The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy approved a Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant for a 200-ton scrap tire collection.
“The NRD goal is to conserve, sustain, and improve natural resources. Supporting this event provides an opportunity for environmentally responsible disposal of tires, keeping them out of landfills, and repurposed for other usable products,” says Chandler Schmidt, Watershed Coordinator for the Middle Niobrara NRD.
The event will allow residents in the area to bring all sizes and types of tires to be recycled, however no rims will be accepted. Champlin Tire Recycling, Inc., Concordia, Kansas will collect the tires and recycle them in multiple ways. Salvageable tire casings are repaired and retreaded in their plant. Tractor and large tire sidewalls are cut and turned into silage covers or turned inside out for feed bunks. Tires are also processed into by-products used in manufacturing park benches and picnic tables.
Mike Burge, chairman of the North Central RC&D stated that this grant allows the organization to fulfill its focus on providing recycling opportunities that might not otherwise be available in the area. “Local communities do not have the capacity or funding to collect tires for recycling. I encourage residents in the area to take advantage of this opportunity and plan ahead to bring their scrap tires to this collection.”
More details will be available as the event nears, however, if you have questions about the tire amnesty in Valentine, please contact the RC&D at or 402-340-1530.
Monitoring Program for Domestic Wells
Uppper Loup NRD implemented a domestic well water quality monitoring program in 2008. All registered domestic wells or non-registered demestic well (upon request) are tested on a five year rotation. Each well is tested for Nitrate-nitrogen content and can also be tested for bacteria upon request. Sub-District 4, which includes all of Blaine County, the southern portion of Brown County and Thomas County east of highway 83, was tested this past summer. There were 130 wells testet with nitrate results ranging from 0-2.9 mg/L, with the average of 1.33 mg/L. The results were well below the maximum contaminant level of 10 mg/L. In Nebraska about 95 percent of rural residents get their household water supply from privat or domestic wells. If these wells are not properly protected, they are at risk of being contaminated. Potential contaminate sources include septic tanks, animal waste, pesticides, ferilizers, and/or fuel. Potential for contamination in our area is high due to the sandy soil. The only way to know if you have nitrates or bacteria present is through testing, because both contaminates are odorless, colorless and tasteless. The Upper Loup NRD reccomends testing on all domestic wells every 5 years. We are scheduled to test sub-district 5, which includes all of Logan County and eastern third of McPherson County, this summer.
Importance of Flowmeters and Keeping Them Properly Maintained
Flow meters play a very important role, as they provide accurate data on water usage, allowing the Natural Resource Districts to effectively manage groundwater resources. The data collected helps the producers to identify potential water waste, monitor the efficiency of the irrigation wells and apply proper amounts of water based on crops planted. To make wise decisions, based on the data collected each year, it is important to keep the flow meters in proper working order. The data collected helps in providing a “history” of needed water use for current irrigators and is used in statewide hydrologic models. This data helps us protect the irrigation acres already certified.
Landowners and operators are responsible for ensuring that flowmeters are fully functional and properly maintained. Please contact Matt, at 308-645-2250, if you have any questions about maintaining your flow meters. We also noticed a lot of the meters are missing the rubber boot cover this year and we have some in stock. We are offering them to you at no charge (a $50 value) to help protect your flow meters. The covers can be picked up here at the office.
Chemigation and Permit Training
Chemigation is the practice of applying agrichemicals through an irrigation distribution system. Each year several irrigators across the Upper Loup NRD district use chemigation to apply fertilizers and pesticides to their fields. All chemigation systems must be fitted with the proper safety valves and equipment to prevent potential risks to our natural resources and public safety. The equipment must be inspected by the Upper Loup NRD prior to use to assure functionality and compliance. State law also requires the producer to obtain a chemigation permit from their local NRD on an annual basis. Permit fees are due on June 1st, before 4p.m. Permit fees are: Renewal Permit is $30 and New Permit is $60. If you plan to apply chemicals, you must attend one of the courses and pass a written exam. Certification is good for four years. Training dates and locations for 2025 will be anounced at a later date. Please watch the newspaper or visit our website for any updates.
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Our NRD offers a wide variety of services and products from water quality analysis and tree planning to field guide and Hefty bag sales.