Expansion of Irrigated Acres
Upper Loup NRD Groundwater Rules and Regulations allow up to 2,500 new groundwater irrigated acres across the District (split into 500 acres per sub-district) annually. In June of each year, the Upper Loup NRD’s Board of Directors evaluate the District’s static water levels, stream depletion information, drought conditions, and the Department of Natural Resources’ INSIGHT data to determine if new irrigated acres will be allotted for the following year.
If new acres are allowed, landowners must apply on a District application form which you can find below. The application period is during the months of July, August, and September of each year and is valid for one year. Applications received outside of acceptance period will be returned to the applicant as incomplete. A maximum of two hundred and sixty (260) irrigated acres per individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, etc will be allowed per application period for expanded irrigated acres.
An aerial photo depicting the field and number of acres requested and a one-time non-refundable administrative fee must accompany each application
A minimum score of fifteen points on the Irrigated Acre Ranking Sheet is required for an application to be considered for approval. Each application is ranked according to the following criteria:
Groundwater quality in the vicinity
Density of irrigated acres within the vicinity
NRCS soil classification
Highly Erodible Lands
Stream depletion factor
Number of acres being developed
If a new well will need to be drilled
Removal of trees
Any other criteria deemed relevant by the District
Acres approved for expansion must be certified with the Upper Loup NRD as well as have a flowmeter installed on any new or existing wells.
Application Fees:
$100 for 25 acres or less
$500 for over 25 acres