Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act
Producers must have completed the application process and have been approved for program participation by the Upper Loup Natural Resources District (ULNRD) to be eligible for reimbursement. 3 priority areas across the state; A, B and C and offered to corn, sugar beet, and potato producers. The ULNRD is in priority C Area.
Incentive payments in priority C areas are set at $10 per acre for producers that can demonstrate a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates of lesser 40 pounds per acre or 15% of the baseline application rate. Under no circumstance can other nitrogen sources (manure, wastewater, etc.) replace the reduced commercial fertilizer. The Upper Loup NRD’s total funding is $24,295 beginning with the 2025 growing season and terminating December 31, 2029.
Incentive payments will not be distributed until proper documentation has been submitted, and approved, to the ULNRD demonstrating the necessary reduction in application rate before January 15 of the following program year. Reimbursement payments will be made by the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources to the Upper Loup NRD and then from the ULNRD to the producer.
Upper Loup Natural Resources District priority locations for funding:
1. Field located in a designated Wellhead or Source Water Protection Area
2. Nitrate (NO3) in latest irrigation water sample > 8 mg/L
3. Nitrate (NO3) in latest irrigation water sample > 6 mg/L
4. Nitrates (NO3) in latest irrigation water sample > 4 mg/L
5. Upper Loup NRD has certified irrigated acres within the field boundaries
6. Chronological based on date submitted
Requirements for participation in the Upper Loup NRD (area 3) include:
1. Establish a baseline level of nitrogen application. Complete soil sampling (Haney Soil Test), prior to the cropping season for which the incentive payment is requested
2. In good standing with NRD rules and regulations.
1. Applications are available at:
2. Producers are required to file one application per field.
3. Additional information to be submitted with the application include:
a. Documentation of all nitrogen fertilizer applied for the same crop most recently grown
b. Recent Nitrate (NO3) Irrigation water sample results
c. Haney soil test for upcoming crop year
4. Completed applications must be submitted to Upper Loup by January 15th of each year.
5. NRD to let producer know on acceptance or denial in NiRIA by March 15th of application year
1. Producers’ deadline to submit documentation of reduction (40 lbs per acre or 15% of baseline application rate) to ULNRD is January 15th
2. Along with the above documentation of reduction producer also need to provide documentation of all nitrogen fertilizer applied to crop AND method implemented to reduce nitrogen reduction