The year was 1969, Sen. Maurice Kremer introduced to the Nebraska legislature LB 1357; this would combine the 154 special-purpose entities into 24 Natural Resources Districts by 1972. The bill was passed by the Unicameral and thus the Upper Loup Natural Resources District was born.
Our Mission
Protecting Lives, Protecting Property, Protecting the Future
Our District
The 12 Statutory responsibilites of NRDs
Erosion prevention and control
Soil conservation
Flood prevention and control
Prevention of damages from flood water and sediment
Water supply for any beneficial uses
Development, management, utilization and conservation of groundwater and surface water
Pollution control
Solid waste disposal and sanitary discharge
Drainage improvement and channel rectification
Development and management of recreational and park facilities
Forestry and range management
“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water. ”